Image displaying measurement data

Russell glacier, Greenland

Russell glacier, Greenland

Images of a couple of the smaller glacier systems between Helheim and Kangerdlussuaq from 28,000’

Smaller glacier systems between Helheim and Kangerdlussuaq from 28,000’

Images of a couple of the smaller glacier systems between Helheim and Kangerdlussuaq from 28,000’

Photos of smaller glacier systems between Helheim and Kangerdlussuaq from 28,000’

Frozen melt pond close to the ice edge, taken during climb out of Kangerlussuaq airport by the downlooking LVIS camera.

Frozen melt pond close to the ice edge, close to Kangerlussuaq

Views of coastal glaciers in SE Greenland, taken from 28,000'

Coastal glaciers in SE Greenland, taken from 28,000'

Views of coastal glaciers in SE Greenland, taken from 28,000'

Coastal glaciers in SE Greenland, taken from 28,000'

Photo of recently-formed crack in center of Petermann glacier, taken from 28,000' from the cockpit window of the B200-T

Petermann Glacier calving front and crack

DMS image of recent field camp at SADDLE waypoint near the ice divide

DMS image of the calving front of Gyldenlove glacier

ATM T6 surface elevation along the calving front of Fenris Glacier


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