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ATTREX 02/02/14 Daily Schedule

Today’s activities:

- Post-flight completed with all instruments

- Performed Engine Wash, and outdoor OmniSTAR and Ku testing

- Reviewed NGC data analysis of the Aborted T.O. and downloaded HDVis images from the aircraft.

- GH moved to USAF GH Hangar until Tues morning.


The Plan for tomorrow (Monday):

- Hard Down Day for the GH Crew.


The Plan for Tuesday is:

ATTREX 02/01/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- Instrument post-flight with external power, as needed.

- Reviewing data from today’s activity with NGC assistance


The Plan for tomorrow (Sunday) is:

- 0800 – 1000: Aircraft outside for OmniSTAR Testing

- 1030 – 1230: Instrument post-flight with aircraft power and Data-IT support

- ~1300: Aircraft towed to USAF GH Hangar through Tuesday 0600.


ATTREX 01/31/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  Instrument Pre-flight today at 1200 – 1330 (ChST):
    The aircraft gear maintenance activity is going well, and we have set the period noon-1330 for Instrument Pre-flight activity today.
    If your instrument needs any pre-flight activity today – please come to the Hangar by noon.
We will announce the Day-of-Flight Schedule in a few hours…

ATTREX 01/29/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- Due to continued and forecast rain and low ceilings at AAFB, Guam,

and an issue with a computer in the GHMOF, the flight is cancelled for today and tomorrow.


The Schedule for today – aircraft is available for instrument activity as needed:

- The aircraft is available for instrument activity as needed through 1600.

- ATTREX Science Mtg at 1300 in Building 18006, Rm 15

ATTREX 01/28/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- Due to continued rain and low ceilings at AAFB, Guam,

today’s flight schedule is postponed 24-hrs… see schedule below.


The Schedule for today – Aircraft stays in a “Preflight” condition:

- The GH Crew will drop Z-25 Fairing in prep for tomorrow’s Day-of-Flight Preflight activity

- No other aircraft support is expected.

ATTREX 01/27/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- Instrument & Aircraft Pre-flight today.

- There is no ATTREX Science Team Mtg today.

- With the likelihood of continued rain and low ceilings at AAFB, Guam,

the flight tomorrow is postponed 6 hours… see schedule below.


The Schedule for tomorrow (Tuesday) is a Noon Takeoff:

- 0500 – 0800 ChST: Day-of-Flight Instr. Preflight by PCRS, Mini-DOAS, and DLH.

  o Instrument Team hands-off at 0800

ATTREX 01/26/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- Science Flight is postponed to Tuesday 0600 ChST due to wind conditions here at Guam today.


The Plan for tomorrow (Sunday) is:

- Decision was made at 0730 to postpone the preflight to tomorrow due to weather conditions.

- The aircraft remains in the USAF GH Hangar - No aircraft access of any kind today


The Plan for Monday is for Instrument and Aircraft Preflight:

ATTREX 01/24/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- Science Flight postponed to Monday 0600 ChST due to wind conditions here at Guam.


The Plan for tomorrow (Saturday) is:

- Hard Down Day for GH Team

  o No aircraft access of any kind


The Plan for Sunday is for Instrument and Aircraft Preflight:

- UPDATED: 0800 – 1100: Instrument Team Pre-flight access with Power.

ATTREX 01/23/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- Instrument and Aircraft Pre-flight.

- Ready for first Science Flight


Today’s Accomplishments:

- Preflight of all instruments and aircraft.

- GH Team T-1 Briefing

- ATTREX Science Team Meeting

- Fire Watch Training for DFRC GH Team by AAFB Fire Dept.


The Plan for tomorrow (Friday) is:


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