ATTREX 02/02/14 Daily Schedule

Today’s activities:

- Post-flight completed with all instruments

- Performed Engine Wash, and outdoor OmniSTAR and Ku testing

- Reviewed NGC data analysis of the Aborted T.O. and downloaded HDVis images from the aircraft.

- GH moved to USAF GH Hangar until Tues morning.


The Plan for tomorrow (Monday):

- Hard Down Day for the GH Crew.


The Plan for Tuesday is:

- 0700: Aircraft retrieval from USAF GH Hangar

- ~0800 – ~1400: Instrument Pre-flight activity and Aircraft Maintenance & Pre-flight

  o Actual Instrument time with Power & Data-IT is TBA


The Plan for Wednesday (subject to change):

- Next Science Flight – Details TBA



- Thursday is backup to Wed’s flight date if any issues delay the flight.