ATTREX 01/28/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- Due to continued rain and low ceilings at AAFB, Guam,

today’s flight schedule is postponed 24-hrs… see schedule below.


The Schedule for today – Aircraft stays in a “Preflight” condition:

- The GH Crew will drop Z-25 Fairing in prep for tomorrow’s Day-of-Flight Preflight activity

- No other aircraft support is expected.

- Science Note: Look for an announcement of an ATTREX Science Mtg (tomorrow if the flight is again postponed)


The Schedule for tomorrow (Wednesday) is a Noon Takeoff:

- 0500 – 0800 ChST: Day-of-Flight Instr. Preflight by PCRS, Mini-DOAS, and DLH.

  o Instrument Team hands-off at 0800

- 1000: T-0 Briefing with GH Team & Science Leads (Building 18006, Rm 15)

- 1045: Staffing of PMOF and GHMOF by Instr. Teams and Flt Crew

- 1100: Engine Start

- 1200: Take-off for a planned 14-hr flight

- 0200: Est. Landing time, Thursday


The Current Plan for Thursday is for Aircraft and Instrument Post-flight:

- 0700 - ~1200: GH Crew post-flights aircraft (weight, fuel, engine wash, weigh, de-panel)

- ~1200 - 1400: Access to instruments with aircraft power and Data-IT support