The Global Space-Based Inter-Calibration System
Goldberg, M., G. Ohring, J. Butler, C. Cao, R. Datla, D. R. Doelling, V. Gärtner, T. Hewison, B. Iacovazzi, D. Kim, T. Kurino, J. L. afeuille, P. Minnis, D. Renaut, J. Schmetz, D. Tobin, L. Wang, F. Weng, X. Wu, F. Yu, P. Zhang, and T. Zhu (2011), The Global Space-Based Inter-Calibration System, Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 92, 467-475, doi:10.1175/2010BAMS2967.1.
An international project will tie observations from operational low-earth-orbiting and geostationary environmental satellites to those from in-orbit sensors that serve as calibration standards.
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Modeling Analysis and Prediction Program (MAP)