The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program’s water vapor intensive...
Revercomb, H., D. D. Turner, D. Tobin, B. Knuteson, W. F. Feltz, J. Barnard, J. Bösenberg, S. Clough, D. Cook, R. Ferrare, J. Goldsmith, S. Gutman, R. Halthore, B. Lesht, J. Liljegren, H. Linné, J. Michalsky, V. Morris, W. Porch, S. Richardson, B. Schmid, M. Splitt, T. Van Hove, E. Westwater, and D. Whiteman (2003), The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program’s water vapor intensive observation periods: Overview, accomplishments, and future challenges. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 84, 217-236.