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ORACLES STM Attendees Day 2

ORACLES Science Team Meeting

ORACLES Science Team Meeting

ORACLES Science Team Meeting

Low Cloud Cover Sensitivity to Biomass-Burning Aerosols and Meteorology over the Southeast Atlantic

Impacts of solar-absorbing aerosol layers on the transition of stratocumulus to trade cumulus clouds

Zhou, X., et al. (2017), Impacts of solar-absorbing aerosol layers on the transition of stratocumulus to trade cumulus clouds, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 12725-12742, doi:10.5194/acp-17-12725-2017.

4STAR in ORACLES onboard NASA P3

ORACLES 09/01/17 Mission Daily Schedule

P3 Transit Flyers in Blue - note changes to previous communications in yellow
Commercial Flyers in Green

ORACLES 08/31/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Thursday, August 31st

Science Flight #PRF12Y17

0430 Hotel Limited Breakfast

ORACLES 08/30/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Wed, August 30th

Science Flight #PRF11Y17

0430 Hotel Limited Breakfast


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