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HS3 09/10/12 Daily Schedule

WFF: All times EDT

Tuesday, 9/11
Science Flight AV-6
0445 T-0 briefing
0515 PI reps staff PMOF
0615 estimated takeoff time

Target is P24L with a lawnmower pattern.

Wednesday, 9/12
0815 estimated landing
1215 estimated aircraft access

HS3 Conference Room at Wallops - Morning Forecast Session (2012)

HS3 Conference Room at Wallops - Morning Forecast Session (2012)

Forecasting Meeting with Mission Scientist Scott Braun (2012)

Forecasting Meeting with Mission Scientist Scott Braun (2012)

HS3 09/09/12 Daily Schedule

WFF: All times EDT

Currently aiming for a September 11 early morning flight

Monday, 9/10
0700 – 1100 cont'd outdoor testing
0700 – 1100 PI pre-flight activities – will work around testing
1100 – 1200 fuel aircraft
1200-1500 aircraft pre-flight. No PI access.

Scott Braun showing images of Hurricane Isaac to Congressional Staffers (2012)

Scott Braun showing images of Hurricane Isaac to Congressional Staffers (2012)

Congressional Staffers visit Wallops and meet with Scott Braun to learn about HS3 (2012)

Congressional Staffers visit Wallops and meet with Scott Braun to learn about HS3 (2012)

Global Hawk AV-6 after landing on Runway 22 in Wallops Flight Facility (2012)

Global Hawk AV-6 after landing on Runway 22 in Wallops Flight Facility  (2012)


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