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FIREX-AQ 05/29/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Wednesday, 5/29 Accomplishments:
CARE, DLH/DACOM and LARGE continued on A/C integration work 
CAMS, Iodide CIMS and SP2 racks deftly installed
HR-AMS and GT-CIMS continued in-lab preparation for installation

Thursday, 5/30 Plans:
06:00 A/C access
Installation/integration work to continue
HR-AMS to install in the a.m.
GT-CIMS to install in the p.m.
13:00 Lab meeting
17:30 A/C access ends

FIREX-AQ 05/28/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Tuesday, 5/28 Acomplishments:
Continued CARE, DLH/DACOM and LARGE integrations
CAMS, AS-TEM, GT-CIMS, HR-AMS, Iodide CIMS, SP2 teams and equipment arrived

Wednesday, 5/29 Plans:
06:00    A/C access
Installation/integration work to continue
13:00    Lab meeting
17:30    A/C access ends

Be sure to secure all gas cylinders on/off A/C
Send pressure system schematics to Richard Wong
Send heater system schematics to Brennan Wehr/Paul Martinez

FIREX-AQ 05/27/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Tuesday, 5/28 Plan:
06:00    A/C access
07:00    Visitor Control Center (VCC, Badge Office) opena
17:30    A/C access ends

FIREX-AQ 05/25/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Saturday, 5/25 Accomplishments:
General instrument integration work continued

Sunday & Monday (5/26 & 5/27):
Lab access, no A/C access

FIREX-AQ 05/24/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Friday, 5/24 Accomplishments:
PTR-MS and CARE, CAFS, LARGE and mini-DOAS shared rack installed on A/C
mini-DOAS instrument removed from rack for lab work
LINEPH on A/C; mechanical installation awaits mounting plate (~6/9)

At the end of the week we’ve got:  NOyO3, CAFS, DLH/DACOM, AOP, SAGA,
the LARGE, CAFS, CARE, mini-DOAS and AS-TEM shared rack and PTR-MS installed.

Saturday, 5/25 Plan:
07:00    A/C access
General instrument integration work continues
15:00    A/C access ends

FIREX-AQ 05/23/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Thursday, 6/23 Accomplishments
Continuation of instrument on A/C integration tasks
LARGE passed tipping moment requirement and is on A/C
PTR-MS instrument arrived, was unpacked and prepped for upload
MASTER prep work continues for instrument arrival on 6/3
Successfully navigated Foreign National escort audit

FIREX-AQ 05/22/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Wednesday, 6/22 Accomplishments
AOP physically installed
Instrument installation work continued
Working on getting power to racks
LARGE instrument reconfiguring rack to satisfy overturning moment 

Thursday, 6/23 Plan
06:00    A/C access
Instrument installation work continues
Mini-DOAS team arrives
17:30    A/C access ends

FIREX-AQ 05/21/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Tuesday, 6/21 Accomplishments
DIAL, LARGE, NOyO3, SAGA, CAFS and MASTER installation work continues
NOyO3 overtuning moment test completed on aircraft
AOP and CARE working in lab

Wednesday, 6/22 Plans
06:00 A/C access
Continue instrument installation work
AOP upload
NOyO3 hazardous gas on a/c
17:30 A/C access ends

FIREX-AQ 05/20/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Monday, 5/20 Accomplishments
NOAA and LaRC trucks unloaded
Some obtained badges
NOyO3 and DACOM racks on A/C
Praxair order arrived

Tuesday, 5/21, Plan
06:00        A/C access
07:00        Continue badging efforts
13:00        Meeting in Lab
                 (Foreign Nationals and Escorts meeting after 13:00 meeting)
17:30        A/C access ends

FIREX-AQ 05/19/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Monday, 6/20
06:00    A/C access
07:00    Visitor Control Center (VCC) opens
08:00    NOAA Truck arrives


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