FIREX-AQ 05/29/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Wednesday, 5/29 Accomplishments:
CARE, DLH/DACOM and LARGE continued on A/C integration work 
CAMS, Iodide CIMS and SP2 racks deftly installed
HR-AMS and GT-CIMS continued in-lab preparation for installation

Thursday, 5/30 Plans:
06:00 A/C access
Installation/integration work to continue
HR-AMS to install in the a.m.
GT-CIMS to install in the p.m.
13:00 Lab meeting
17:30 A/C access ends

Be sure to secure all gas cylinders on/off A/C
Send pressure system schematics to Richard Wong
Send heater system schematics to Brennan Wehr/Paul Martinez