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FIREX-AQ 06/08/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Saturday, 6/8, Accomplishments:
Instrument integration tasks; occasionally interupted by O2 system work

Sunday 6/9, Plans:
No A/C access
Lab access

FIREX-AQ 06/07/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Friday, 6/7, Accomplishments:
Instrument integration
MASTER loaded in aft cargo pit
A/C O2 system checks

Saturday, 6/8, Plans:
08:00 - 09:30    A/C Access
09:30 - 11:00 (an estimate of completion time) A/C O2 system work, no A/C access
After the completion of the O2 system work there will be A/C access until 15:30

Send pressure system schematics to Richard Wong

Send heater system schematics to Paul Martinez/Brennan Wehr

FIREX-AQ 06/06/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Thursday, 6/6, Accomplishments:
OPALS team performed probe fit check
ACES/IWAS rack installed
TOGA continued working on sampling lines between inlet and instrument
DIAL team made good progress
mini-DOAS team performed in-lab calibrations
NO LIF instrument removed from rack; to be reinstalled on the 18th

Friday, 6/7, Plans:
06:00 A/C Access
MASTER to load aft pit
Instrument integration tasks
13:00 Lab meeting
17:30 A/C access ends

FIREX-AQ 06/05/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Wednesday, 6/5, Accomplishments:
OPALS team performed in lab installation prep
mini DOAS team performed in lab calibrations
ACES and IWAS testing in lab, waiting for the install window
TOGA installed
ISAF/ROZE/CANOE and SO2/NO-LIF installed
CIT-CIMS rack and pump plate installed
DIAL completed nadir alignments

Thursday, 6/6, Plans:
06:00 A/C Access
IWAS/ACES install
Instrument installations and integration
13:00 Lab meeting
17:30 A/C access ends

James McSpiritt, Lei Tao, Mark Zondlas and Xuehui Gao of the OPALS Team

Don Blake of the UCI WAS Team

Lei Tao, Xuehui Guo and James McSpiritt of the OPALS Team

Pedro Campuzano-Jost and Hongyu Guo of the HR-AMS2 Team

Lu Xu, Krystal Vasquez and John Crounse of the CIT-CIMS Team


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