FIREX-AQ 06/05/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Wednesday, 6/5, Accomplishments:
OPALS team performed in lab installation prep
mini DOAS team performed in lab calibrations
ACES and IWAS testing in lab, waiting for the install window
TOGA installed
ISAF/ROZE/CANOE and SO2/NO-LIF installed
CIT-CIMS rack and pump plate installed
DIAL completed nadir alignments

Thursday, 6/6, Plans:
06:00 A/C Access
IWAS/ACES install
Instrument installations and integration
13:00 Lab meeting
17:30 A/C access ends

Tools taken from community A/C tool box must be returned at the end of the day
Label gas bottles
Empty gas bottles need to be in the empty bottle area on the back side of building 716
Send pressure system schematics to Richard Wong
Send heater system schematics to Paul Martinez/Brennan Wehr