FIREX-AQ 07/08/19 Mission Daily Schedule

To comply with Tech Brief Action Items, please provide science team the following notifications:

  • For those participating in DC-8 flights with SARP students aboard, please be advised that some participants have potential allergic reactions to peanut and other tree nuts.  Bringing peanuts or tree nuts onto the flight is prohibited.
  • On smoke sampling flights, please be advised some particulate smoke material may get into the DC-8 cabin and could precipitate an asthma attack in an asthmatic.  Normally, the exposure is no more than being around a campfire for few hours.  If you use an inhaler for lung issues, recommend you discuss with your personal doctor.   If your medical provider approves of your participation, the AFRC Medical Officer recommends getting and bringing an inhaler spacer onboard. An inhaler spacer will make the inhaler work much more effectively.  If anyone experience discomfort due to smoke exposure during a flight, notify a crewmember immediately.  

Chuck Irving