FIREX-AQ 06/18/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Tuesday, 6/18, Accomplishments:

  • All parts required for repairing passenger oxygen system are on order; most are in shipping status.  No change in long lead item delivery dates (5-7 days). Final install and check out expected late next week.
  • Crew and Life Support completed check out of passenger system distribution manifold, and identified and fixed leaks.
  • TOGA and crew completed the rack adjustment.
  • LARGE, MMS, Master, DACOM, PTR-MS, Mini DOAS, DIAL and CIT-CIMS completed instrument checks and maintenance
  • Discussions about OPALS integration engineering
  • Improving our work climate and preventing harassment training - ~25 persons
  • Press interactions

Wednesday, 6/19, Plans:

  • 06:00 Science Access
  • 1300 lab meeting
  • 17:30 access ends 

Egress training for Wednesday has been canceled. There will be opportunities to do this next month.
See Jim Crawford’s email (yesterday, Monday 17:03) for the longer term outlook.