ORACLES 09/17/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Saturday, Sept. 17
Forecast/flight planning meeting: 8am
Science Meeting: 5pm

P-3 Aircraft Access:  0900-0300

ER-2 Aircraft Access:  0900-1200 unless more time is needed

Sunday, 09/18/16 P-3 and ER-2 flight day (take-off time 9:00, to be updated tomorow)
Monday, 09/19/16  Hard Down Day

Shuttle schedule

Shuttle schedule:
Hotel to airport:

Every hour, on the hour, 8am to 11am 

Airport to Hotel: 

Every hour, on the half-hour, 11:30am to 3:30pm
ESPO contacts
ESPO 1 (Kent) Namibia cell - local 081 8162205 / international +264 818162205
Kent US cell - +1 (650) 336-3127
ESPO 2 (Susan) Namibia cell - local 081 8557428 / international +264 818557428
Susan US cell - +1 (650) 996-9335 or +1 (312) 804-1055
Jens - +1 (650) 318-8407