KORUS-AQ 05/15/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Sunday, May 15th:
NO Fly day - AFRC DC–8

0800-1600 Aircraft Access
0800-1000 Flight Planning meeting
1615-1715 Science Team meeting

NO Fly Day - LaRC UC-12B
Instrument access on an as needed basis
Monday, May 15
Hard Down day 

NOTE 1: Osan AB team participants:
You must pay attention to the red line surrounding the aircraft ramp where the NASA DC-8 resides.  The Air Force is actively monitoring the red line and has the ability to enforce it in ways we don’t want to challenge.  DO NOT CROSS THE RED LINE – use the grey boxes to appropriately enter and exit the aircraft ramp area.
Also:  There is a large visiting aircraft parked adjacent to the DC-8 for the next two weeks.  DO NOT APPROACH or TAKE PICTURES.

NOTE 3: New arrivals – Please let ESPO know you are coming. Contact us at osan@espo.nasa.gov   We will meet you in the morning at 0745 in the Turumi Lodge Lobby.  From there you will be taken to the Pass and ID office for badging.

NOTE 3: Exercise, Exercise, Exercise …coming to an end soon but the fun never stops….

NOTE 4: Map to the closest "market" is taped to the counter in the operations room.

NOTE 5: If you suspect someone is asking questions that are of an odd nature (asking for something that seems out of context with our buisness here) we are supposed to report it to the Counter Terrorism force here on base.  Simply ask for their business card - believe it or not.  Let me know.  If someone is just odd, its probably ok.