KORUS-AQ 05/13/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the Day –  future planning and general announcements
Friday, May 13th
0500: Power ON /Aircraft access  -  ~
4 HOUR Flight
0630: Flight Brief
0730: Doors Close
0800: Take Off

LaRC UC-12B:
NO fly day

Hanseo King Air:
0600: Aircraft access
0800: Take Off

0800 – 1000: Flight Planning Meeting
Afternoon: No Science Meeting
Saturday, May 14th:
NO Fly day - AFRC DC–8
0800-1600 Aircraft Access
0800-1000 Flight Planning meeting
1615-1715 Science Team meeting
OR Monday, May 15,16
Possible Hard Down day  - TBD
NOTE 1: IMPORTANT – We still need many of you to comply!! To all who are at located at Osan AB:
Only non-Korean (i.e. U.S. citizens) are authorized access to the Exchange only, NOT the commissary.  Everyone who is non-Korean that will continue to use the Exchange must sign and acknowledge via the memorandum.  I will need the original signed back at the soonest as I must provide copies back to USFK/J1.  - MEMO is printed an sitting on the counter waiting for your signature in the Operations room.  

NOTE 3:  New arrivals – Please let ESPO know you are coming. Contact us at osan@espo.nasa.gov 
We will meet you in the morning at 0745 in the Turumi Lodge Lobby.  From there you will be taken to the Pass and ID office for badging.

NOTE 3:  Exercise, Exercise, Exercise …continues 

NOTE 4:  If you find a nice grocery type store outside the base please pass the word.  Preferably walking distance…