KORUS-AQ 04/24/16 Mission Daily Schedule

NOTE: You can download images and pictures (at their native resolution) from the project from the KORUS-AQ site: https://espo.nasa.gov/home/korus-aq/mission-gallery
If you have images that you want us to post there, send them to the ESPO team: Osan@espo.nasa.gov

END OF DAY REPORT 4/23:  Saturday

Progress  AFRC DC-8
Several issues with instruments (to be expected) and continuing to work to success. Teams are packing and putting away lab equipment to be stored at PMD.  Final Osan AB shipment packing is also taking place to be sent on Monday April 25.  

Progress LaRC B-200 Arrived at Osan safe and sound  

4/24: Sunday
NO Aircraft access
DC-8 PAX to drop luggage at staging area NTL 0900.

4/25: Monday
0700 –1400 Aircraft access – Instruments must be installed buttoned up and ready to fly!!

4/26: Tuesday - Transit to Osan DC-8
0200 Aircraft access
0330 Final instrument work
0400 Pre-flight brief 
0530 Takeoff— ETA 1330 Osan AB

READ THIS-  If you need a ride from your hotel, Tuesday morning, but have not yet signed the ride sheet do so ASAP.   Mark if you need an early or late pick up. (Early=0200,  Late=0300)  Drop off your rental cars on the 25th and we coordinate shuttles to the hangar on the early morning of the 26th.    We have the Big Blue Van for those who need a ride.  Tim Moes or Kent or any civil servant can drive the van.    There are also carpool opportunities to the hangar with folks who are not departing with the airplane.  Please use the sign up sheet in the lab for carpool or van.  

TOOL CONTROL = All Tools must be returned and signed off before each flight
INSPECTION = All Instruments must be secured and inspected before the flight.
Weight/Balance = Any times removed or installed on the aircraft must be documented for weight and balance on the log sheet posted in the aircraft.
EGRESS Training =  Contact Matt Berry if you have not had training and plan on flying on the DC-8 for the test or transit flight.  
•  Lab meeting 1300 every day except Saturday and Sunday.

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