KORUS-AQ 04/19/16 Mission Daily Schedule

KORUS Plan for Tuesday 4/19 - AFRC DC-8
4/19: Tuesday
0700-1700  Aircraft and Lab Access
All flyers expecting to be on the Thursday Test Flight #2  contact Jack Dibb by 0900.  
Those who have not had egress training need to accounted for.

All teams must visit with Steven Todorov to discuss packing and shipments. 
    Shipping schedule:
Tuesday, 4/19

See Steven (650-996-9335) and identify which cases will go on which shipment

If shipping spares, identify the case dims and inventory

Wednesday, 4/20

Think Safety

Thursday, 4/21

All items to be shipped on 4/22 must be dropped off in the shipping area by 1600

Friday, 4/22

Shipment Departs 1000, ETA Osan AB 4/28


Saturday, 4/23

All items to be delivered to staging area by 1600

Sunday, 4/24

Personal Items due in the hangar by 0900

Monday, 4/25

Shipment Departs 1000, ETA Osan AB 5/2

Tuesday, 4/26


END OF THE DAY REPORTMonday 4/18/2016


Instrument Test Flight #1 Complete

Most instruments were stating that there were mostly operational.  Minor issues with many but claim to be fixable.  

Jack Dibb requested all instruments start to download data. 

4/20: Wednesday DC-8

AFRC Safety Stand Down Day – Aircraft Access may not be possible. TBD

There is some discussion of possible afternoon aircraft access if the training ends early at the main AFRC campus.  


TOOL CONTROL = All Tools must be returned and signed off before each flight

INSPECTION = All Instruments must be secured and inspected before flight.

Weight/Balance = Any times removed or installed on the aircraft must be documented for weight and balance on the log sheet posted in the aircraft.

•  Lab meeting 1300 every day except Saturday and Sunday.

LaRC B-200 Porgress- Is in transit to Osan Korea currently at Moffett Field, Ca.  

The aircraft is up and being prepped to continue he journey to Korea.