KORUS-AQ 04/09/16 Mission Daily Schedule

0700 - 1700: Instrument Integration CAFS, CIT-CIMS, DIAL, GT-CIMS, HR-AMS, K-ACES, K-AMS, K-CIMS, K-PTR-MS, and PTR-MS.

CAFS: Rack shared with K-ACES will be ready Monday.
CIT-CIMS: Installed.
DIAL: Ready for laser calibration 4/13.
GT-CIMS:  Ready for power check 4/9.
HR-AMS:  Ready for power check 4/9.
K-ACES:  Lab work this weekend.  Plan to install Monday.
K-AMS: Installed. Ready for calibration.
K-CIMS:  Ready for power 4/9.
K-PTRMS:  Plan to install Monday.
PTR-MS:  Power check complete.
•  Lab meeting 1300 every day except Saturday and Sunday.
•  If you are working on the plane near HR-AMS, please turn off your cell phone, the signal causes interference.
LaRC B200: (by Lucille Crittenden) 
Great news from the UC-12 team today!!
•We just finished the Flight Readiness Review minutes ago.  The pilots are preparing to fly the Functional Check flight within the hour!
•Once I receive word from the pilots after the completion of the FCF (anticipate a 2 hour flight), I will send out another email later this evening giving the Go/No-Go decision on starting instrument installation in the morning.  Kudos to everyone on a fantastic job reaching this milestone!
Update from Luci Crittenden
Just got word from Rick that the FCF was a success and 95% complete. A few squawks and items to address, a lot of which can be done with ground checks and the rest on the ICF. That being said, all is a "GO" for instrument installation to begin tomorrow morning!