HS3 09/14/14 Mission Daily Schedule

Overview:  AV-6 Science Flight #6 is currently flying and is scheduled to land at 0700 EDT tomorrow. During today's flight Edouard was upgraded to a Cat 1 hurricane. As I write this, sondes are dropping at high frequency into the eye of the storm.
Tuesday is the next possible flight day. Mission science is aiming for a 0700 takeoff but will make the final decision tomorrow morning based on the local forecast for Tuesday morning. A Tuesday evening takeoff at 1800 would be the backup plan.
All instrument teams should plan to be at D-1 by 0900 tomorrow for Postflight/Preflight for a Tuesday takeoff.
Mon Sep 15
-  0700 AV-6 Land
-  0800 Forecast Briefing (S115)
-  0900 Postflight/Preflight for Tuesday's flight
-  1030 Science Flight #6 Debrief (S115)
-  1930 Forecast Briefing (S115)
Tue Sep 16 (Science Flight #7)
-  0700 AV-6 Takeoff (nominal)
-  0800 Forecast Briefing (S115)
-  0930 COMSEC brief (S115)
-  1800 AV-6 Takeoff (backup)
-  1930 Forecast Briefing (S115)