HS3 07/23/14 Daily Schedule


AV-1 and AV-6 integration and testing is on schedule.


Today’s Accomplishments:

AV-1 passed Pre-CST

AV-6 integration activity started

o   S-HIS – ready for Hangar IT Testing

o   AVAPS – Installation complete, function testing complete

o   CPL – SIL Bench completed, Zone-7 installed

§  Zone-3 installation ready (holding for camera work in area)

Japanese Film Crew for HS3 visits GH Hangar

The Plan for Thursday (all times PDT):


o   0645 Pretest Tag-up 

o   0700 - 0900 Test 

AV-1 Deintegration of HIRAD and HAMSR

o   To support next week’s Camera Daylight Cam work & Gear Maint

AV-6 Hangar IT Testing:

o   0700: Daylight Cam installation

o   0800: CPL Zone-3 Installation

o   0900 - ?: Hangar IT Testing

1000: COMSEC WFF (by VITS) Briefing for AFRC personnel


The Plan for Friday:

AV-1: Data-IT work with Cameras (Fratello)

o   No PI activity scheduled

AV-6: Wt/Balance

o   No PI activity scheduled



No Sat/Sun activity scheduled

Monday @ AFRC: AV-6 Outdoor Testing

o   Schedule TBD (PI’s should be present starting at 0830)

Monday @ WFF:

o   0730: Badging, if needed

o   0800: Scan Laptops

o   0930: COMSEC Briefing

o   1000 – 1100: Software Downloads/installs, if required

o   1100 – 1130: Eat Lunch 

o   1130: Begin Satcom Testing in GHOC-E