ATTREX 01/21/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- Instrument and GH Team continue to prepare for the first Science Flight

- Pics of some of today’s activity in the Instrument Trailers…


Today’s Accomplishments:

- Final activity by Instrument Teams prior to preflight for first Science Flight

- The Hawkeye Team (with Avionics and Data-IT support) successfully implemented and tested the new MPCS I.L. control of their Heaters.

- Some teams completed their preflight activity on the aircraft.

- Science Team Meeting


The Plan for tomorrow (Wednesday) is:

- 0800 – 0945: Req’d Engine wash by Crew

- 1000 – 1300: Instrument Team Pre-flight access with Power.

  o   Please start early – hands off at 1300.

- 1300 – 1600: Aircraft Preflight by GH Crew


The Tentative Plan for Flight Day (to be confirmed by 1000 tomorrow) is:

- 2300 – 0200:  Special Day-of-Flight Preflight by PCRS, Mini-DOAS, and DLH.

  o Instrument Team hands-off at 0200

- 0400: T-0 Briefing with GH & Science Leads

- 0445: Staffing of PMOF and GHMOF by Instr. Teams and Flt Crew

- 0500: Engine Start

- 0600: Take-off

- 2000: Estimated Landing time (14-hr flight)