HS3 08/16/13 Daily Schedule


AV-6 Completed:

Truck Shipment to WFF sent



AV-6 Completed:

Ferry to WFF

AV-6 Goals:

Saturday Aug 17: 

AV-6 Instrument Post-Flight (0800-1100)

AV-6 KU testing (PI's not required)

Sunday Aug 18:

Ground Crew Down Day 

Monday Aug 19:

Preflight est: 8-10am

AV-1 Goals:

Saturday Aug 17: 

Any aircraft access must be pre-coordinated with ESPO

AV-1 KU testing (PI's not required)

Sunday Aug 18:

Ground Crew Down Day 

Monday Aug 19:

Limited aircraft access (no power) 8-10am 

Tuesday Aug 20:

Possible Preflight est. 9-11am 

Science Team:

Saturday Aug 17: 

Forecast briefings at 0830 and 2030 EDT

Sunday Aug 18: 

Forecast briefings at 0830 and 2030 EDT

Flight Plan for Tuesday flight 

Monday Aug 19:

Forecast briefings at 0830 and 2030 EDT

COMSEC Brief 1530

Tuesday Aug 20:

Forecast briefings at 0830 and 2030 EDT 

COMSEC Brief 1530