S-MODE 04/19/23 Mission Daily Schedule


  • The new area of interest is turning out to be…interesting! The science team expects the experiment to focus on this area’s evolution for the foreseeable future.
  • All three aircraft were up in the air today surveying the current target area.
  • The Sally Ride continues to survey a small cyclonic eddy on the inflow front using EcoCTD and underway systems.
  • The Sally Ride team has also deployed five Lagrangian Floats on a conditioning and ballasting mission. One had to be recovered early today due to a failure, the remaining four are working well and are expected to be recovered late this afternoon. 

 Aircraft plan and schedule:

  • All aircraft will collect data over the target front to track its evolution.
  • NET 1000: G-III SF#4 takeoff
  • 1130: Preflight meeting for B200 SF#12
  • NET 1200: MASS TO SF#7 takeoff
  • NET 1300: B200 SF#12 takeoff

 Ship and in situ plan:

  • The Sally Ride will continue a small-scale survey of the eddy. Lagrangian floats will be redeployed, and more drifters will be deployed in the area.

Meeting schedule: