Quenching of O 1D2 by Cl2CO: kinetics and O 3PJ yield
Strekowski, R. S., J. M. Nicovich, and P. Wine (2000), Quenching of O
1D2 by Cl2CO: kinetics and O
3PJ yield, Chemical Physics Letters, 330, 354-360.
Absolute rate coecients k1 for the deactivation of electronically excited oxygen atoms, O 1 D2 , by phosgene Cl2 CO have been measured as a function of temperature over the range 194± 425 K. The results are well described by the Arrhenius expression k1 T 2X04 × 10-10 exp 27aT cm3 molecule-1 s-1 . The reported values for k1 T are considerably lower than the values currently recommended for use in modeling stratospheric chemistry. The yield of
Research Program:
Upper Atmosphere Research Program (UARP)