ORACLES 09/23/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Friday, Sept. 23 - Soft Down Day

General NOTE for all ORACLES participants in Namibia

  • Please review Ascension Island Location Details if you are on the P3-Transit flight
  • Before you depart Namibia and head back to the USA you are required to hand in your AIRPORT BADGE and vest to ESPO
  • Have the VISA paperwork that you arrived with handy as they have been known to ask for it on departure
  • Sommer Beddingfield is now here to work out shipping details.  Please meet with her when you get a chance

Access: Try to start early so we can all end early

P-3 Aircraft Access:  0900-1300 
ER-2 Aircraft Access:  0900- 1200 

Science Meeting: 5pm 

Shuttle schedule
Hotel to airport: 0800, 1000, 1100
Airport to Hotel: 1100, 1300
ESPO contacts
ESPO 1 (Kent) Namibia cell - local 081 8162205 / international +264 818162205
Kent US cell - +1 (650) 336-3127
ESPO 2 (Susan) Namibia cell - local 081 8557428 / international +264 818557428
Susan US cell - +1 (650) 996-9335 or +1 (312) 804-1055
Jens - +1 (650) 318-8407