KORUS-AQ 06/14/16 Mission Daily Schedule
Transit home:
1100L / (0200Z) Check out of Turumi Lodge
1200L / (0300Z) Aircraft access
1330L / (0430Z) Crew Brief
1500L / (0600Z) Takeoff for 8.0 hr sortie to Anchorage (PANC)
0600L / (1400Z) Arrive at PANC for refuel, customs, air crew change
0800L / (1600Z) Approximate time for replacement air crew to arrive at PANC
0900L / (1700Z) Takeoff for 5 hr sortie to Palmdale (KPMD)
1500L / (2200Z) Arrival at KPMD
ESPO breaks down Bldg. 1187
Sea Shipment Picked up 1200
Air Shipment scheduled for delivery to PMD by 1200 (PDT, California)
Estimated Delivery of Sea Shipment to PMD (anytime between July 9 - 24, will update/confirm as soon as possible.).
Turn in 37-EK badges (Pass & ID Osan AB badge) to ESPO or drop it off at the Pass & Registration office, inform osan@espo.nasa.gov if you do the latter.
You can visit https://espo.nasa.gov/home/korus-aq to download any high-res images from the mission.