KORUS-AQ 05/12/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the Day –  future planning and general announcements
Thursday, May 12th
0500: Power ON /Aircraft access
0630: Flight Brief
0730: Doors Close
0800: Take Off

LaRC UC-12B:
0600: Aircraft access
0730: Take Off

Hanseo King Air:
0600: Aircraft access
0800: Take Off

0800 – 1000: Flight Planning Meeting
Afternoon: No Science Meeting

Friday, May 13th:

Probable Fly day – TBD

NOTE 1: IMPORTANT – Please read and heed…

To all who are at located at Osan AB:
Only non-Korean (i.e. U.S. citizens) are authorized access to the Exchange only, NOT the commissary.  Everyone who is non-Korean that will continue to use the Exchange must sign and acknowledge via the memorandum.  I will need the original singed back at the soonest as I must provide copies back to USFK/J1.  - MEMO is printed an sitting on the counter waiting for your signature in the Operations room.  

New arrivals – Please let ESPO know you are coming. Contact us at osan@espo.nasa.gov 
We will meet you in the morning at 0745 in the Turumi Lodge Lobby.  From there you will be taken to the Pass and ID office for badging.
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise …continues 
For those who need egress training, please see or contact Matt Berry ( matthew.j.berry@nasa.gov ) ASAP.
Note 5:
Friday High School event…..you still have a chance to stay involved  - Contact  Emily Schaller,  e.schaller@nserc.und.edu   - X_Chat: Volunteer for conversations with the school kids on X_CHAT  during flight  interacting with classrooms at Osan and around the world! Please contact Emily for the details.