HS3 09/20/12 Daily Schedule

WFF: All times EDT

Friday, 9/21
0900-1500 AV-6 instrument aircraft access
1030 debrief from the 9/19-9/20 flight
1500-1700 AV-6 aircraft preflight

Saturday, 9/22
AV-6 science flight (TS Nadine with lawnmower pattern)
1300 estimated takeoff time (estimated 27.5 hr duration)


DFRC: All times PDT

Friday, 9/21
AV-1 safety review continues
AV-1 transit is not earlier than 9/28-9/29, see tentative best case schedule at http://espo.nasa.gov/missions/hs3/hs3-calendar/2012-09

Saturday, 9/22