HS3 08/15/14 Daily Schedule


-          AV-1 Transit Flight Prep begins

-          AV-6 Nose gear work


Today’s Accomplishments:

-          AV-1 Link Mod was successfully started multiple times and tests are continuing.  The Radar Altimeters were tested and one was found to be out of limits.  The bad one was replaced and tests were completed successfully.  AV-1 is being prepared for transit.

-          AV-6 Nose Gear tests showed a small leak.  Gear was removed and is being serviced.  Tests will begin again after servicing.

-      Truck shipment to WFF loaded and sent on its way.


Plan for Saturday – AV-6 Landing gear work and tests

-          AFRC (PDT):

o   Landing gear work on AV-6

-          WFF (EDT):

o   No required activity

Monday – Aug 18, 2014:  AV-1 Preflight

-  0800-1000 Instrument Preflight

-  1000-1500 Aircraft / Electrical Preflight

Tuesday – Aug 19, 2014:  AV-1 Transit

-  AV-1 Transit to WFF (Afternoon T.O., overnight flight)


20 Aug: Instrument Preflight

- 21-22 Aug: AV-6 Transit to WFF