HS3 08/11/14 Daily Schedule


-          AV-1 prepped for CST

-          AV-6 being prepped for Transit Flt. next week


Today’s Accomplishments:

-          HIRAD and HAMSR re-installed and tested

-          Preflight prep of all instruments & Aircraft for CST

-          AV-6 HDVis camera wiring issue identified, being repaired

-          Both new Low-light cameras delivered, being tested

-          HS3 Dry Run continues


Plan for Tuesday – AV-6 CST (Times shown are local)

-          AFRC (PDT):

o   0630: CST Briefing (Payload Cage)

o   0745: Crew step in GHOC

o   0800: Engine Start for CST

o   0800: Dry Run continues

0800 – ~1000: CST

-          WFF (EDT):

o   0930: CST Briefing

o   1030: P.I.’s in GHOC-E

o   1100: Engine Start for CST

o   1100 - ~1300: CST

o   1100: Dry Run continues


Plan for Wednesday – Instrument Pre-flight

-          0730 PDT: Power-on Aircraft for Instrument Pre-flight

o   Data-IT and Avionics support

o   HIRAD, HAMSR, HIRAD please report at 0730

-          0745 PDT: CST Preflight Debrief

-          0800 PDT (1100 EDT): Dry Run Continues

-          1100 Range Flight T-1



-          Thur.: AV-1 Range Flight

o   0500 PDT: T-0 Flight Briefing

o   0630 PDT: Takeoff

-          Fri: HS3 MRR (WebEx and Phone)

-          19-20 Aug: AV-1 Transit to WFF (overnight flight)

-          21-22 Aug: AV-6 Transit to WFF (overnight flight)