HS3 08/08/14 Daily Schedule


-          AV-6 on schedule

-          AV-1 on schedule, CST & Range Flt. next week

o   AV-1 Inst. TeamsNote Mon’s Schedule below


Today’s Accomplishments:

-          AV-6 HDVis camera Heater mod, retest (pic)

-          New Low-light camera delivered, being tested

-          AV-1 fueled for CST & Range Flt.

-          HS3 Dry Run continues


Plan for Monday (AV-1 Teams return to AFRC & WFF):

-          AFRC (PDT):

o   0700: HIRAD Instrument reinstallation

o   0730: GH Leads Mtg in Cage

o   0800: HAMSR reinstallation & HIWRAP P.I. arrives

o   0900 – 1100: Data-IT retest & Inst. Preflight

o   1100 – 1400: Aircraft Pre-flight for CST

-          WFF (EDT):

o   0800: Dry Run continues

o   0900: COMSEC Training

o   1000: Computer Scanning



-          Tues.: AV-1 CST (Engine Start ~0800 PDT)

-          Wed.: Preflight for Range Flight

-          Thur.: AV-1 Range Flight

-          Fri: HS3 MRR (WebEx and Phone)

-          19-20 Aug: AV-1 Transit to WFF (overnight flight)

-          21-22 Aug: AV-6 Transit to WFF (overnight flight)