HS3 08/06/14 Daily Schedule


AV-1 & AV-6 on schedule

Successful AV-6 Range Flight


Today’s Accomplishments:

AV-6 flew a successful Range Flight, meeting all objectives

o   4 Sondes dropped in PIRA, have been recovered

o   CPL LIDAR on for ~2.75 hrs

o   CPL, S-HIS, or AVAPS Teams report no issues

o   Instrument’s Post-flight after landing

GH GSE Truck Shipment #1 to WFF

HS3 Dry Run continued

Bruce Tagg visit to GHOC-E during flight


Plan for Tomorrow (Thursday):

0730 PDT: GH Leads Mtg in Cage

0745 PDT: AV-6 Range Flt Debrief

o   844-467-6272, Code: 961190  

0800 PDT (1100 EDT): Dry Run continues

HDVis removal, reset focus and secure

No science access to aircraft requested/planned



Friday – Sun: No Activity for Science Teams

Monday 11Aug: AV-1 Team’s arrive for CST/Range Flt.

o   Note: HIRAD Team reports at 0700 Monday for Instrument re-installation and test

o   HAMSR and HIWRAP Teams report at 0800 for retest and CST Preflight