HS3 08/01/14 Daily Schedule


   AV-6 “CST” on Monday (see Schedule below)

   Dry Run starts on Monday (see Schedule below)

Today’s Accomplishments:

   AV-6 Preflight activity

No activity Saturday - Sunday

Outlook Next Week:

   Monday (4Aug): AV-6 CST (all times PDT):

   o   0745: Pre-Brief Mtg. (see email for conference number)

   o   0830: Crew & P.I.’s staff GHOC

       -  (1130 EDT: GHOC-E Payload Team Staffing)

       -  GHOC to GHOC-E Comm’s (see email for conference number)

   o   0930: Engine Start

       -  Expect CST to take ~2 hours

 Dry Run (Starts: 4Aug - continues through 15Aug):

            0800 PDT (1100 EDT)

            (see email for conference number)

Tuesday (5Aug): AV-6 Preflight of Inst’s/Aircraft

Wednesday (6Aug): AV-6 HS3 Range Flight


Thursday (7Aug): Backup date for AV-6 Range Flight