FIREX-AQ 07/23/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Tuesday, 7/23 Accomplishments:
Media Day accomplished
AFRC truck unloaded
Equipment upacked

Wednesday, 7/24 Plans:
10:00    Flight Planning Meeting (room 149, new presentation area)    
12:00    A/C access
             Egress training  (room 149)
13:30    Preflight meeting
14:30    A/C door closed
15:00    Take-off for a planned 4 hour flight (but with fuel for 6 in the event of interesting targets) 
19:00    Estimated time of return
20:15    A/C access ends

Lightning in the area may close the ramp temporarily, so plan accordingly.  You might get stuck in the plane until the ramp reopens.

Mission t-shirts are now available for $18 each and you will be able to pick them up in Boise. The last day for placing orders will be Sunday (7/28) at midnight. Please use the following link to place individual orders: