FIREX-AQ 07/01/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Dear FIREX Team,
The promised update to the DC8 schedule is attached. It provides the most complete information we have at this time. Please note the following:

  1. 1. Everything remains contingent on completing the O2 system repair.
  2. 2. Please wait and DO NOT book airfare for Palmdale until you hear from us on 3 July regarding the decision on potential access on 12-13 July. We will also be able to verify that O2 parts have been received by that time.
  3. 3. If traveling under SSAI, please disregard instructions to use refundable/changeable fares for Palmdale travel and accept the flights provided by SSAI.
  4. 4. Lab access on Sunday 14 July depends on completion of the planned electrical work, and we will only get an update about this possibility late on the 13th. We plan to use WhatsApp to quickly communicate to those who plan to be in Palmdale, as in past recent missions. Please load this app on your smartphone or let me know you can’t. Here is the link to self-subscribe:
  5. 5. On 12-13 July we might get access to the DC-8 on the ramp, but we will have no access to the hangar or labs. If you need any equipment for work on those days, you need to arrange to move it outside the hangar beforehand.

FIREX-AQ Calendar as of 1 July 2019