FIREX-AQ 06/19/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Wednesday, 6/19, Accomplishments:

  • CIT-CIMS performed maintenance
  • DACOM, PTR-MS and TOGA performed instrument checks and maintenance
  • DC-8 and Life Support continued modifications to the O2 system

Thursday, 6/20, Plans:
0600 Access, with possible concurrent O2 system work
1730 Access ends
Longer Term Outlook: See Jim Crawford’s email, today, for a July schedule through transit.
Please contact your Palmdale hotel ASAP and change your reservations as necessary.
SARP would like updated RSVPs to their bbq, given the change in schedule. Many of you will not be here to attend. See this link:
We are modifying the Land’s End link to incorporate the latest logo, so please do not order yet. We’ll send another email.