FIREX-AQ 06/19/19 Mission Daily Schedule

FIREX-AQ Investigators,
Given the situation, we will continue to provide updates as information comes available. This message is to build upon the nominal schedule that we communicated to you on Monday. The information in that earlier message is still valid, but here we offer more detail on what to expect. This tentative schedule is also shown graphically in the attachment.
1 – As repairs to the oxygen system continue, we don’t anticipate any reasonable chance of aircraft access until 8-10 July, but if things go very well, the repairs and shakedown/proficiency flights could be completed before the 4th of July Holiday. If you absolutely need access for 5-6 July  (if these dates became available), please let us know ASAP, but we discourage you to make the request unless absolutely needed.
2 – Our best guess for when we can expect aircraft access without interruption continues to be 8-10 July. Unfortunately, the loss of access from 11-14 July is not negotiable. If the work taking place in the hangar over the weekend goes faster than expected, allowing power to be restored before Sunday evening, we are requesting access to the DC-8 on Sunday afternoon (14 July). Sunday access is a long shot and would only be known after the weekend work is completed, so please do not formulate a plan for your team that requires this access. This is just a potential bonus that would help us in preparing for a busy flight schedule during the week of 15 July.
3- The flight schedule for 15-18 July will be fast paced, but we are taking some steps to maximize your ability to prepare. On Monday 15 July, we will have a test flight in the afternoon allowing for us to provide a liberal pre-flight period lasting throughout the morning. For those who have not had egress training, it will take 30-45 minutes of your time on Monday morning. SARP flights will follow on 16-17 June. Seating priority on the first SARP flight will be given to the few instrument teams without a seat on the first test flight. Since the three SARP flights are short duration, you can also expect a half day of DC-8 access on one of those two days. On Thursday, 18 July, we will fly our second test flight in the afternoon following another liberal pre-flight period in the morning.
4 – Expect aircraft access on 19-20 July with a hard down day on Sunday 21 July before the transit to Boise on 22 July. Don’t forget that we will have to pack for Boise on Friday and also will conduct the AdvanceGEO training on workplace climate.
As we consider our travel schedules, please go ahead with making new hotel reservations. Bernie Luna has prepared the local hotels regarding these new dates. You are still, however, responsible for cancelling and rebooking your reservations. It is also important for you to update your travel dates on the ESPO database using the login at the top of the ESPO webpage for FIREX-AQ. As far as flights go, you should continue to wait before making new reservations (especially those supported by SSAI).
We should have another significant update by the middle of next week as parts for the oxygen system will have arrived, and we will have a clearer picture of when the work may be completed.
Please send your feedback and comments as soon as possible.
FIREX-AQ Leadership