ATTREX 02/18/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

 -Congratulations to the ATTREX and GH Team for another successful flight.

   Takeoff at 1718Z (16Feb) – 0318 local 17Feb’14

   Landing at 1059Z (17Feb) – 2159 local


Today’s Post-flight Activities:

 -2100 – 0400: GH Crew post-flights aircraft (weight, fuel, engine wash, weigh, de-panel)

 o   2130: PCRS, DLH, and UCATS will have post-landing access for Cal. Gas Shutoff

 o   Zone-25 and Z-14 (R2) to be removed temporarily after weighing for this access


Plan for tomorrow, Monday (Science Flight #2):

 -0730: Daily GH and ATTREX Leads Mtg in Hangar

 -0900 - 1200: Access to instruments with aircraft power and Data-IT support

 o   GH Mech’s will support panel removal including Ku for MMS and CPL

 o   All instrument teams are encouraged to arrive at 0900

 -1100: Post-flight Debrief (Conf. Rm., Building 18006, Rm 15)

 -Troubleshooting of Inmarsat issue


 -Next flight is being planned for either Thursday or Friday

 o   Dependent on weather forecast and maintenance required for Ku and/or Inmarsat