ATTREX 02/14/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

 -Post-flight Briefing of 1st Science Flight.

 -Aircraft post-flight complete – no issues.

 -Instruments continue with post-flight data review.

 -Next Flight scheduled for Monday, 17Feb. Take-off 0300 local, ~18 hr. duration


The Plan for the remainder of today is:

 -Ethernet troubleshooting of Mini-DOAS completed

 -Aircraft moved to USAF GH Hangar (#6)

  o   No Fire Watch tonight


The Plan for the tomorrow (Saturday) is:

 -GH Crew Hard-down Day (no aircraft access)

 -1000: Science Team Photo with CAST and CONTRAST Teams at PGUM. See Jhony Z. e-mail.


The Plan for Sunday is:

 -0700: Daily Tag-up of GH Team, ESPO, Science Leads in Hangar

 -0700 – 1000: Preflight of Instruments with Aircraft Power and Data-IT support

  o   Hands off at 1000.

 -1900 – 2200: “Day-of-Flight” Inst. Pre-flight activity


Plan for Monday (Science Flight #2):

  o   T-0 Briefing (to be held in the GH Crew Area, Hangar): 0100

  o   Staff PMOF: 0145