ATTREX 01/20/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- There will be a 24-hr postponement of the first Science flight due to the need for NGC Engineering to perform an analysis to clear the Hawkeye Pylon mount for this flight.

- The GH Team expects the first Science Flight to now occur on Thursday morning (Guam time).


The Plan for today (Tuesday, ChST) is NOW:

- 1000: Instrument Team Pre-flight access with Power and Data-IT support.

  o All instrument teams needing on-aircraft time are requested to perform their access this morning if possible.

  o Please contact Dave F., or Dave J., with specific needs regarding Aircraft Power or Data-IT

- 1400: ATTREX Science Meeting (see Eric’s e-mail for location)


The Plan for tomorrow (Wednesday, ChST):

- 0800 - 1000: Aircraft outdoors for req’d engine wash procedure

- 1000 – 1300: Instrument Team Pre-flight access with Power and Data-IT support.

  o All instrument teams needing on-aircraft time are requested to perform their access this morning if possible.

  o Please contact Dave F., or Dave J., with specific needs regarding Aircraft Power or Data-IT



- The next Science Flight is tentatively scheduled for Thursday 23Jan’14

  o Currently planned Takeoff time: 0600 ChST for a 14 hr flight.

- Please contact Dave F., or Dave J., if you have any questions.