ATTREX 01/18/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX GH Overview:

-   Instrument Teams and GH Crew & Data-IT worked to prepare for the first Science Flight

-   Final reminder that all times and dates for this and future Status and Schedule Updates will be in Guam (CHST) Time (UTC+10hr)

Today’s Accomplishments:

-   ESPO’s LD3’s with Science gear arrived at AAFB this morning.

-   Scientists have had access to their instruments for post-flight/pre-flight activity.

-   GH Avionics and Data-IT worked open Comm’s and Satcom items with aircraft outdoors

-   At COB - Aircraft moved to the USAF GH Hangar for the Sunday Down-day.

The Plan for tomorrow (Sunday) is:

-   Hard Down Day for the GH Team  – no aircraft access.

 The Plan for Monday is:

-   0700 – 1500 ChST:  Instrument Team access to Aircraft, with Data-IT & Aircraft Power support

    o   Please contact Dave F., or Dave J., with specific needs regarding Aircraft Power or Data-IT 


-   Tuesday: Preflight activity for Science Teams and  Aircraft Crew (all times ChST):

    o   0900 – 0945: Req’d Engine wash by Crew

    o   1000 – 1300: Instrument Team Pre-flight access with Power

    o   1300 – 1600: Aircraft Preflight

-   The next Science Flight is scheduled for Wednesday 22Jan’14

    o   Tentative Schedule: 0600 ChST Takeoff for a 14 hr flight.