DeGeer Glacier. (Greenland)

Flight Track of the P-3 Noreast Grid 03 (Greenland)

P-3 shadow on the sea ice. (Greenland)

One of Greenland's impressive glaciers. (Greenland)

A glacier on the Geikie Plateau. (Greenland)

Glacier and fjord. (Greenland)

In flight. In forefront: ATM and DMS teams. (Greenland)

After a couple of days, the P-3 is back in Kangerlussuaq and ready to work. (Greenland)

The OIB team enjoying a well deserved rest. (Greenland)

P-3 encountered problems w/#3 motor during the Thule-Kangerlussuaq transit. Here it is heading back to WFF to get repaired. (Greenland)


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