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SUCCESS 04/29/96 Mission Daily Schedule

The DC-8 and T-39 flew a coordinated mission over the CART site to profile stratus clouds and aerosols, and to provide data (FSSP) which will be useful for CART site radar systems calibration. The T-39 sampled the DC-8 exhaust at various altitudes, penetrating the stratosphere.

Flight Reports

Mission Summary

DC-8 SUCCESS flight #210 [960210] (scientists: Brian Toon and Eric Jensen)

960429 DC-8 Flight Track from DADS

SUCCESS 04/28/96 Mission Daily Schedule

96/04/28 CART site activity


Meteorology at the Central Facility

Weather Conditions from Site Operators Log


Visiting Instruments at Central Facilities


SUCCESS 04/27/96 Mission Daily Schedule

The DC-8, T-39 and ER-2 flew a coordinated mission over the CART site to profile optically thick cirrus, and to make coordinated measurements with the NOAA-14 satellite overpass at 1947 UTC. The DC-8 ascended in an up and down wind racetrack pattern before descending in slow spirals. The T-39 and DC-8 took turns sampling each others emissions and contrails. The ER-2 flew a racetrack pattern approximately ten degrees off the DC-8 orientation and in the opposite directions.

960427 DC-8 Flight Track from DADS

960427 ER-2 Flight Track from Nav Recorder

SUCCESS ER-2 Lidar Digital Image 4/27/1996

SUCCESS 04/26/96 Mission Daily Schedule

The T-39 and ER-2 flew separate missions. The T-39 sampled the emissions of commercial airliners (B757 and B727) at cruise altitudes of approximately 35kft. The ER-2 observed cirrus and contrails over Kansas and made coordinated measurements with the NOAA-14 satellite overpass at 1958 UTC.

NOAA-14 AVHRR 26 April 96


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