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ORACLES 10/22/18 Mission Daily Schedule

Monday, Oct 22nd POD – Access Day 
All times in Local time
0900 Weather/forecast
1000-1200 Flight planning discussion
1500 Shuttle: Hotel to SuperCKDO to Hotel before 1600
1600 Science debrief and Tuesday flight plan briefing
~1730 Following the Science Debrief: 
             Reflection by the team on the 3 years of deployments
            ORACLES Trivia Contest 
Begin organizing your shipments – Sommer arrives Tuesday evening

ORACLES 10/20/18 Mission Daily Schedule

Monday, Oct 22nd POD – Access Day 
All times in Local time
0900 Weather/forecast
1000-1200 Flight planning discussion
1500 Shuttle: Hotel to SuperCKDO to Hotel before 1600
1600 Science debrief and Tuesday flight plan briefing
~1730 Following the Science Debrief: 
             Reflection by the team on the 3 years of deployments
            ORACLES Trivia Contest 
Begin organizing your shipments – Sommer arrives Tuesday evening

ORACLES 10/21/18 Mission Daily Schedule

Sun, Oct 21st POD – Fly Day
All times in Local time
Science Flight #PRF12Y18
0430 Hotel Limited Breakfast
0530 Weather Briefing
0545 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport 
0630 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport
0715 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport (to view takeoff)
0730 Doors Close 
0800 P-3 take-off - 8 hour flight
0815 Shuttle: Airport to Hotel
1000 Weather & aerosol forecasts 
1100 Daily flight planning meeting

ORACLES 10/20/18 Mission Daily Schedule

POD for Saturday, Oct 20th – HARD DOWN DAY 

11 Flights Completed.  Two more flights before Transit Back.
1715  Shuttle – Hotel to Airport for those flying out


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