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Mission Science (Pete Black, Amber Emory, Jon Moskaitis, and Jim Doyle) (9.7.14)
HS3 09/07/14 Mission Daily Schedule
Overview: AV-6 engine nozzle change in progress. Next potential flight Tue Sep 9 (target P29L).
Showers are forecast locally through Tuesday. A go/no-go decision will be made Monday afternoon for either a Tuesday morning or Tuesday evening flight. If AV-6 cannot takeoff due to weather on Tuesday, then the next potential AV-6 flight will be Wednesday morning.
Ryan Spackman and Dean Lauritsen discuss AVAPS (9.6.14)
S-HIS Team with Data-IT (9.6.14)
Flight Planners prepare for SciFlt03 (Ana Juracic, Sergio Abarca Fuente, Leslie Lait) (9.1.14).jpg
Paul Newman explains GHOCE to SEMAA student group (8.30.14)
Dave Fratello explains GH to SEMAA student group (8.30.14)
Scott Braun explains HS3 to SEMAA student group (8.30.14)
Scott Braun and Gerry Heymsfield study Hurricane Cristobal (8.29.14)