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First Results from UCATS during the GloPac 2010 Mission

Hintsa, E., et al. (2010), First Results from UCATS during the GloPac 2010 Mission, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, abstract #A51B-0093.

Ultra High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer

The UHSAS is an optical-scattering, laser-based aerosol particle spectrometer for sizing particles in the 0.06 – 1 μm range. The instrument counts particles in up to 100 user-specified sizing bins, with a resolution as fine as 1 nm/bin. This high sensitivity makes the UHSAS ideal for aerosol research and filter testing.

A laser illuminates particles, which scatter light that is then collected by two pairs of Mangin optics. One pair of optics images onto a highly sensitive avalanche photodiode (APD) for detecting the smallest particles. The other pair images onto a low-gain PIN photodiode for detecting particles in the larger size range of the instrument. Each detector is amplified in a current-to-voltage stage that feeds into the analog electronics system. The amplification allows the system to detect particles as small as 60 nm.

Instrument Type: 
Global Hawk - AFRC, Gulfstream V - NSF
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UAS Chromatograph for Atmospheric Trace Species

The Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Chromatograph for Atmospheric Trace Species (UCATS) was designed and built for autonomous operation on remotely piloted aircraft, but has also been used on manned aircraft. It uses chromatography to separate atmospheric trace gases along narrow heated columns, followed by precise and accurate detection with electron capture detectors. There are currently three chromatography channels on UCATS, which measure nitrous oxide (N2O) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6); CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, and halon 1211; and chloroform (CHCl3) and carbon tetrachloride. On an earlier version of UCATS, with only two channels, we also measured methane, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide, along with N2O and SF6. In addition, there is a small ozone instrument and a tunable diode laser instrument for water vapor. Gas is pumped into the instruments from an inlet outside the aircraft, measured, and vented. UCATS has flown on the Altair UAS, the GV during HIPPO, the NASA Global Hawk UAS during the Global Hawk Pacific (GloPac) and ATTREX missions, where a record was set for the longest duration research flight (more than 28 hours), the DC-8 for ATom, and the ER-2 for DCOTSS. UCATS is relatively lightweight and compact, making it ideal for smaller platforms, but it is easily adaptable to a mid-size platform like the GV or Global Hawk. The data are used to measure sources and sinks of trace gases involved in climate and air quality, as well as transport through the atmosphere.

UCATS is three different instruments in one enclosure:

1. 3-channel (formerly 2-channel, up until 2020) gas chromatograph (GC)
2. Dual-beam ozone photometer (OZ)
3. Tunable diode laser (TDL) spectrometer for water vapor (WV)

Altair, Global Hawk - AFRC, DC-8 - AFRC, Gulfstream V - NSF, WB-57 - JSC, ER-2 - AFRC
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Match Drilling on the WB-57

GLOPAC Team Working Together

GloPac Scientists, Pilots and Crew

Dennis Pitts working on Global Hawk

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