Associated content: 

Young Ro Lee and Andy Neuman 7/30

Alan Fried and Jochen Stutz 7/30

Rich Moore and Eddie Winstead 7/30

Armin Wisthaler and Thomas Mikoviny 7/30

Jack Dibb and Eric Scheuer 7/30

Ming Lyu and Adam Ahern 7/30

Glenn Diskin and Hannah Halliday 7/30

FIREX-AQ 08/03/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Saturday, 8/3 Accomplishments:
Flight #6, Lick Creek and Mica Creek (ID), Williams Flat (WA)
Sunday, 8/4 Plans:
No 1000 forecasting meeting
Hard Down Day
Monday, 8/5 Plans:
0800 A/C Access
1000 Forecasting meeting
1600 A/C Access ends

Dave Jordan and Bernie Luna depart August 7. Vidal Salazar and Quincy Allison will be the new ESPO team. Dave will meet you in Salina on August 19. Bernie returns to Boise August 14.

Lick Creek / Mica Creek fire plume


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