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DCOTSS 05/30/22 Mission Daily Schedule

All Times CDT
Hard-down Day, no ER-2 crew support
0800 - Lab Access
0900 - FFP meeting
1500 - Memorial Day get-together, open area on the north side of the hangar. Optional.
The next research flight opportunity is Tuesday, May 31.

Instrument Teams Awaiting the Return of SF2 (2022)

DCOTSS 05/29/22 Mission Daily Schedule

All times CDT
0130 - Hangar Open (yep, that's 1:30 AM local time)
0200 - Hands On
0400 - Hands Off
0600 - Take Off  (6h27' flight, actual duration depends on landing time weather)
~1230 - Landing
Landing + 1h – Debrief
1400 - hands off ER-2 end crew duty day

DCOTSS 05/28/22 Mission Daily Schedule

All times CDT
0800 - 1400        ER-2 Crew support
0900 - 1000        FFP Meeting
1000 - 1100        All-hands briefing (both the FFP and All-hands meetings share the same connection info)
1200                   Instruments ready to start uploading

DCOTSS 05/27/22 Mission Daily Schedule

0800 - Hangar open & ER-2 crew support
1000 - FFP Meeting
1330 - Salina fire crew familiarization
All times CDT
The next science flight opportunity is Sunday, May 29

ER-2 Transits to Salina

Up up and Away Over Salina

Balloon Sondes Being Prepped in Salina

DCOTSS 05/26/22 Mission Daily Schedule

All Times CDT
0700                   FFP Brief
0800                   Hangar access (Met team has keys from the office space)
0900                   Flight Brief (Instrument team members in Palmdale be ready to report or pre-share status with the Salina team)
1000 (0800 PT)  Hands off (Palmdale)
1100 – 1900       ER-2 Salina Crew
1200 (1000 PT)  ER-2 Takeoff
1705                   Landing


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